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Exciting Augmented Reality Gift Ideas for the Holidays

Exciting Augmented Reality Gift Ideas for the Holidays

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Giving gifts to your loved ones on their special day is usually stressful. You keep pondering what to give them every year. With technology and innovation affecting our daily lives, you might opt to give some of the most popular augmented reality-based presents to your loved ones this year. Even though the AR market is…

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10 Augmented Reality Travel Apps to Try in 2022

10 Augmented Reality Travel Apps to Try in 2022

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Over a recent couple of years, augmented reality has progressed significantly in smartphone technology. It has become a powerful tool for companies and marketers, letting them change how individuals view their environment.  According to recent estimates, 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality (AR) consumer devices will be present worldwide by 2024, which is expected to rise…

Hiking smartphone

Nature vs. Technology: How AR Can Bring Us Closer to Nature

Nature vs. Technology: How AR Can Bring Us Closer to Nature

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We live in a digital world, one in which we can connect with others across the globe with the click of a button. A world where we can develop close personal friendships with people we’ve never met face-to-face. One hundred years ago, most families didn’t own cars. Now, cars are starting to drive themselves. For…

hiking app

Exciting Augmented Reality Outdoor Apps for Summer

Exciting Augmented Reality Outdoor Apps for Summer

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While strolling along with the lush green fields or trekking through a natural forest, most of us would rather stay away from the gadgets we use in our daily lives. After all, who doesn’t enjoy the peace and calmness of nature? Although you might think that technology and nature are not linked in any way,…

AR education

Augmented Reality Apps Changing Education

Augmented Reality Apps Changing Education

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Augmented Reality Apps Changing Education Education is one of the pillars of our society and a necessary part of every child’s upbringing. While necessary, education, especially when done in a traditional sense, can sometimes be boring. As times have changed, so have the ways we educate our youth. One of those ways is the use…

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The Best AR Glasses for 2022

The Best AR Glasses for 2022

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The Best AR Glasses for 2022 Augmented and mixed realities are emerging in two directions: AR for social apps and collaborative technologies for expert consumers looking to optimize and reimagine their job. This list is entirely dedicated to the latter.  Mixed reality for professionals is producing an interesting evolution curve. It’s an emerging technology that…

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How Augmented Reality Animation Works

How Augmented Reality Animation Works

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How Augmented Reality Animation Works Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most exciting forms of technology to explode in the past 5 – 10 years. Its capabilities are near limitless as it can potentially change the way we communicate, educate, learn, play, and entertain. One of the key factors of effective and engaging AR…


AR Versus AI: The Complete Guide

AR Versus AI: The Complete Guide

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AR Versus AI: The Complete Guide What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you think about artificial intelligence (AI)? Do you think of J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) from Iron Man? Or maybe you think of Ultron? How about augmented reality (AR)? What do you think about when you hear the…

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What is Markerless Augmented Reality

What is Markerless Augmented Reality

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What is Markerless Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality  (AR) is one of the more easily accessible forms of extended reality (XR). Like Virtual Reality (VR), AR has seen a rise in popularity and application in recent years with further predicted growth in the years to come. While AR may seem like one singular form of XR…

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Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What’s the Difference?

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What’s the Difference?

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Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What’s the Difference? We’ve seen them in science fiction movies, TV shows and read about them in books and magazines. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two technologies with the possibility of changing life as we know it. In this day and age, they’re not just works of…

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